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For IoT System Software Development
This is the complete list of members for SerialPort, including all inherited members.
_5E1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_5E2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_5N1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_5N2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_5O1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_5O2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_6E1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_6E2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_6N1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_6N2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_6O1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_6O2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_7E1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_7E2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_7N1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_7N2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_7O1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_7O2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_8E1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_8E2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_8N1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_8N2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_8O1 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_8O2 enum value (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
_startMillis (defined in Stream) | Stream | protected |
_timeout (defined in Stream) | Stream | protected |
available() | SerialPort | virtual |
availableForWrite() | SerialPort | virtual |
began (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
begin(uint32_t speed=115200, Config_t config=_8N1)=0 | SerialPort | pure virtual |
c1 (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
c2 (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
c3 (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
clearWriteError() (defined in Print) | inline | |
Config_t enum name (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
doAfterReceive (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
end()=0 | SerialPort | pure virtual |
find(const char *target) (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
find(uint8_t *target) (defined in Stream) | Stream | inline |
find(const char *target, size_t length) (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
find(const uint8_t *target, size_t length) (defined in Stream) | Stream | inline |
find(char target) (defined in Stream) | Stream | inline |
findUntil(const char *target, const char *terminator) (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
findUntil(const uint8_t *target, const char *terminator) (defined in Stream) | Stream | inline |
findUntil(const char *target, size_t targetLen, const char *terminate, size_t termLen) (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
findUntil(const uint8_t *target, size_t targetLen, const char *terminate, size_t termLen) (defined in Stream) | Stream | inline |
flush()=0 (defined in Stream) | Stream | pure virtual |
getInputData(uint8_t *len) | SerialPort | |
getInputData() | SerialPort | inline |
getWriteError() (defined in Print) | inline | |
input(char *str, uint8_t len, char terminator) | SerialPort | |
inputKeyboard(char *str, uint8_t len) | SerialPort | |
isBegan() | SerialPort | |
isListening() | SerialPort | |
isSending() (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
listen()=0 | SerialPort | pure virtual |
notifyImmediatelyOnRx (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
onReceive(void(*func)(void *, SerialPort &), void *ctx, bool interrupt=false) | SerialPort | |
onReceive(void(*func)(void *), void *ctx, bool interrupt=false) | SerialPort | |
onReceive(void(*func)(SerialPort &), bool interrupt=false) | SerialPort | |
parseFloat() (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
parseFloat(char skipChar) (defined in Stream) | Stream | protected |
parseInt() (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
parseInt(char skipChar) (defined in Stream) | Stream | protected |
peek() | SerialPort | virtual |
peekNextDigit() (defined in Stream) | Stream | protected |
Print() (defined in Print) | inline | |
print(const __FlashStringHelper *) | ||
print(const String &) | ||
print(const char[]) | ||
print(char) | ||
print(unsigned char, int=DEC) | ||
print(int, int=DEC) | ||
print(unsigned int, int=DEC) | ||
print(long, int=DEC) | ||
print(unsigned long, int=DEC) | ||
print(double, int=2) | ||
print(const Printable &) | ||
printf(const char *,...) | inlinevirtual | |
println(const __FlashStringHelper *) | ||
println(const String &s) | ||
println(const char[]) | ||
println(char) | ||
println(unsigned char, int=DEC) | ||
println(int, int=DEC) | ||
println(unsigned int, int=DEC) | ||
println(long, int=DEC) | ||
println(unsigned long, int=DEC) | ||
println(double, int=2) | ||
println(const Printable &) | ||
println(void) | ||
read() | SerialPort | virtual |
readBytes(char *buf, uint8_t len) | SerialPort | |
readBytes(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) | SerialPort | |
readBytes(char *buffer, size_t length) (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
readBytes(uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) (defined in Stream) | Stream | inline |
readBytesUntil(char terminator, char *buf, uint8_t len) | SerialPort | |
readBytesUntil(char terminator, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) | SerialPort | |
readBytesUntil(char terminator, char *buffer, size_t length) (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
readBytesUntil(char terminator, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) (defined in Stream) | Stream | inline |
readString() (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
readStringUntil(char terminator) (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
receive(uint8_t data) (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
rxBuffer (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
rxBufferHead (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
RxBufferSize (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
rxBufferTail (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
rxEnabled (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
SerialPort(uint16_t txBufferSize=64, uint16_t rxBufferSize=64) (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | |
setTimeout(unsigned long timeout) (defined in Stream) | Stream | |
setWriteError(int err=1) (defined in Print) | inlineprotected | |
stopInput() | SerialPort | |
stopListening()=0 | SerialPort | pure virtual |
Stream() (defined in Stream) | Stream | inline |
timedPeek() (defined in Stream) | Stream | protected |
timedRead() (defined in Stream) | Stream | protected |
txBuffer (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
txBufferHead (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
TxBufferSize (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
txBufferTail (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
txBusy (defined in SerialPort) | SerialPort | protected |
write(uint8_t val) | SerialPort | virtual |
write(uint8_t)=0 | SerialPort | |
write(const char *str) | SerialPort | inline |
write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) | SerialPort | |
write(const char *buffer, size_t size) | SerialPort | inline |
Stream::write(const char *str) | inline | |
Stream::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) | virtual | |
Stream::write(const char *buffer, size_t size) | inline | |
~Stream() (defined in Stream) | Stream | inlinevirtual |