For IoT System Software Development
Decawave DW1000 Radio Transceiver.
#include <DW1000Chip.hpp>
enum | Prf_t { PRF_16M = 1,
PRF_64M = 2
} |
enum | Plen_t {
PLEN_4096 = 0x0C,
PLEN_2048 = 0x28,
PLEN_1536 = 0x18,
PLEN_1024 = 0x08,
PLEN_512 = 0x34,
PLEN_256 = 0x24,
PLEN_128 = 0x14,
PLEN_64 = 0x04
} |
enum | Br_t { BR_110K = 0,
BR_850K = 1,
BR_6M8 = 2
} |
enum | Pac_t { PAC8 = 0,
PAC16 = 1,
PAC32 = 2,
PAC64 = 3
} |
enum | PhrMode_t { PHRMODE_STD = 0x0,
} |
virtual error_t | begin (bool loaduCode=true)=0 |
virtual void | configure (Config_t &)=0 |
virtual void | setrxantennadelay (uint16_t rxDelay)=0 |
virtual void | settxantennadelay (uint16_t txDelay)=0 |
virtual void | setrxaftertxdelay (uint32_t rxDelayTime)=0 |
virtual void | setrxtimeout (uint16_t time)=0 |
virtual error_t | begin ()=0 |
virtual error_t | readFrame (RadioPacket *frame)=0 |
| 수신 버퍼에서 프레임을 읽습니다. More...
virtual bool | bufferIsEmpty ()=0 |
virtual void | flushBuffer ()=0 |
virtual void | sleep ()=0 |
virtual void | wakeup ()=0 |
virtual error_t | transmit (RadioPacket *frame)=0 |
virtual bool | cca ()=0 |
| 채널이 혼잡한지 아닌지 검사합니다. More...
void | setCcaThreshold (int16_t dBthreshold) |
virtual void | setTxPower (int8_t dBm)=0 |
| 송신 출력을 설정합니다. More...
virtual int8_t | getTxPower ()=0 |
| 현재 설정된 송신 출력을 반환합니다. More...
virtual void | setChannel (uint32_t channel)=0 |
| 채널을 설정합니다.
virtual uint32_t | getChannel ()=0 |
| 현재 설정된 채널을 반환합니다.
Decawave DW1000 Radio Transceiver.
◆ Br_t
Enumerator |
BR_110K | UWB bit rate 110 kbits/s.
BR_850K | UWB bit rate 850 kbits/s.
BR_6M8 | UWB bit rate 6.8 Mbits/s.
◆ Pac_t
Enumerator |
PAC8 | PAC 8 (recommended for RX of preamble length 128 and below.
PAC16 | PAC 16 (recommended for RX of preamble length 256.
PAC32 | PAC 32 (recommended for RX of preamble length 512.
PAC64 | PAC 64 (recommended for RX of preamble length 1024 and up.
◆ Plen_t
Enumerator |
PLEN_2048 | Standard preamble length 4096 symbols.
PLEN_1536 | Non-standard preamble length 2048 symbols.
PLEN_1024 | Non-standard preamble length 1536 symbols.
PLEN_512 | Standard preamble length 1024 symbols.
PLEN_256 | Non-standard preamble length 512 symbols.
PLEN_128 | Non-standard preamble length 256 symbols.
PLEN_64 | Non-standard preamble length 128 symbols.
◆ Prf_t
Enumerator |
PRF_16M | UWB PRF 16 MHz.
PRF_64M | UWB PRF 64 MHz.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:69
@ PLEN_1024
Non-standard preamble length 1536 symbols.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:85
@ PLEN_512
Standard preamble length 1024 symbols.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:86
@ PRF_64M
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:71
@ PLEN_128
Non-standard preamble length 256 symbols.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:88
@ BR_6M8
UWB bit rate 6.8 Mbits/s.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:100
@ BR_110K
UWB bit rate 110 kbits/s.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:98
@ PLEN_64
Non-standard preamble length 128 symbols.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:89
@ PAC64
PAC 64 (recommended for RX of preamble length 1024 and up.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:110
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:97
@ PAC8
PAC 8 (recommended for RX of preamble length 128 and below.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:107
@ PLEN_1536
Non-standard preamble length 2048 symbols.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:84
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:106
@ PAC32
PAC 32 (recommended for RX of preamble length 512.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:109
@ BR_850K
UWB bit rate 850 kbits/s.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:99
@ PRF_16M
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:70
@ PLEN_2048
Standard preamble length 4096 symbols.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:83
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:81
@ PAC16
PAC 16 (recommended for RX of preamble length 256.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:108
@ PLEN_256
Non-standard preamble length 512 symbols.
Definition: DW1000Chip.hpp:87